Recibir y enviar correos es parte del día a día de casi todos los puestos de trabajo. Puede que en ocasiones no estés tan seguro de cómo escribir o contestar un correo electrónico en inglés. Por eso, hemos creado esta lista de frases útiles que puedes utilizar como guía al momento de redactar tus correos.
Si sientes que pierdes tiempo pensando en escribir un saludo o un cierre correcto, esta guía es para ti. *Siempre recuerda que lo que se considera correcto o aceptable puede variar según la cultura de quien recibe el correo. Por lo tanto, vale la pena investigar un poco antes de iniciar la comunicación con un nuevo proveedor o cliente de otro país.
Te compartimos algunas frases comunes para redactar correos en inglés. Si quieres una lista completa, descarga el PDF de FRASES ÚTILES PARA ESCRIBIR CORREOS EN INGLÉS con más de 100 frases.

Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear [Name],
Hello [Name],
Hi [Name],
Thank you for your email.
It’s [your name] from [your company].
Thank you for taking the time to…
Thank you for reaching out to me.
I just got your request for…
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
This email is just to let you know…
I am writing you to follow up on…
I am writing to ask/enquire/check/invite you/remind you…
I am contacting you to inform…
I recently read/heard about… and would like to know…
In this email, we wanted to tell you/let you know/give you…
We wish to inform you of…
I am writing concerning/with regard to/about…
I am enclosing/attaching…
Please find attached/enclosed…
You will find enclosed…
I’ve attached…
The attached file contains…
Please take a look at the attached file.
Please see the information below for details about…
Here is the file we discussed.
Could you please send me…?
Could you possibly tell me…?
Would it be possible to…?
Could you confirm…?
Would you mind if…?
I was wondering if you could…
I’d be very grateful if you could…
It would be very helpful if you could send me…
If possible, I’d like to know more about…
We are pleased to announce that…
We have some good news for you.
It is my pleasure to inform you that…
I just wanted to let you know that…
We regret to inform you that…
Unfortunately, we cannot…
I’m afraid it’s against company policy to…
I’m sorry to tell you that…
Despite my best efforts, it has proved impossible to…
I’m afraid I won’t be able to…
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
I apologize for the problems you’ve had.
I regret any inconvenience caused by…
Sorry for any inconveniences this situation may have caused.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.
We look forward to doing business with you in the future.
I’d love to hear your feedback.
I would appreciate your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Kind regards,
Yours truly,
Best regards,
Best wishes,
All the best,
Puedes utilizar estas frases para aumentar tu productividad y mejorar la calidad de tus correos. Y recuerda que si necesitas apoyo personalizado para redactar tus correos en inglés o para mejorar tus habilidades en el idioma, puedes comunicarte a Conversa para agendar una asesoría.